HumouR Us... It has been reported, that those working in Human Resources are amongst the unhappiest workers in the United Kingdom... There are occasions when the nature of our work perhaps puts us in a more sombre mood than most, but that's not always the case and there can be a lighter side to our work too - even some humour on occasions and we will be using this space to share some of the funnier aspects of our work. Some of the stories will be true; others will be entirely fiction - but in all cases, names will be with-held to protect the guilty!!!!
HumouR Us...
It has been reported, that those working in Human Resources are amongst the unhappiest workers in the United Kingdom... There are occasions when the nature of our work perhaps puts us in a more sombre mood than most, but that's not always the case and there can be a lighter side to our work too - even some humour on occasions and we will be using this space to share some of the funnier aspects of our work. Some of the stories will be true; others will be entirely fiction - but in all cases, names will be with-held to protect the guilty!!!!
Image obtained from
How not to give Feedback... Part Two
This week, some further examples of how NOT to give feedback to staff during their annual review...
This associate is really not so much a has-been, but more of a definitely won't be.
Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap.
When she opens her mouth, it seems that this is only to change feet.
He would argue with a signpost.
He has a knack for making strangers immediately.
When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell.
Is apparently very careful with equipment, as his tools show very little signs of wear.
If you have any amusing stories that you would like to share with us; please use the comments box above - we can't guarantee to publish them all, but we will review them and share some of the funnier stories...
Take a look back out our previous 'HumouR Us' Posts here...