Growing Resources into Potential 
07947 012893 
Helping you to grow your resources into the potential they promise 

Crescita Training & Development 

Crescita specialises in developing and delivering  
training packages and workshops in HR-related areas  
e.g. HR policy Application. 
Our approach to working with clients to deliver training and development interventions is flexible. We will meet with you to discuss your particular requirements for training programmes/workshops and can offer you a total package, where we will develop and deliver the workshops, along with all the relevant materials. Alternatively, we can develop a toolkit comprising all of the relevant materials; workbooks, tutor notes, presentation materials etc. for you to deliver within your business. 
Crescita HR & OD offer a portfolio of training workshops which can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Our recent HR workshops have included 
Introduction to Workforce Planning 
Introduction to Project Management 
Managing Sickness Absence 
HR for Non-HR Managers 
Performance Matters; The Art of Effective Appraisals 
Whatever the subject we will be able to develop the right training package for your business. Experience has shown us that the right level of training and development increases the effectiveness of our clients and helps to avoid HR issues in the future. 
Please contact us for further information on how we might support your training and development needs on 07947 012893 
HR Advisory 
Coaching & Mentoring 

Crescita HR & OD Training Courses 

HR for  
non - HR managers 
The Art of effective performance appraisels 
To reserve your place on these courses please co,plete this form 
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